Sasha Steffey's Corner of the Internet


I'm a programmer working on too many projects at the same time, while occasionally finishing some!
I work mainly in C# for most projects.
Out of anything I make, I enjoy networking and OS interfacing the most.


Current projects:
CMSlib - A C# library to divide a console into multiple windows with different purposes - add nice progress bars, tables, I/O separation, and more to your console app with an easy self cleanup process at the end of your program.
RemoteKBM - A PC remoter for Windows with a web-based remote. Currently supports mouse, keyboard, and volume controls. - A web file storage run and made by me from scratch. (Accounts not publicly available to create, contact for access)

If this is my own corner of the internet, and corners are 90 degrees, the internet has to be a 30-dimensional hypercube to fit every website. Wonder which side I'm on.